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Proclamation and Praise

Jesus Christ in His incarnation was “made for a little while lower than the angels” (Heb. 2:9), subjected Himself to death on a cross (Phil. 2:8), and has therefore been exalted to the Father’s right hand (Phil. 2:9; Heb. 1:3—now exalted over the angels once again!) and “crowned with glory and honor (Heb. 2:9). This…

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Rescued to Praise

Psalms 36:9 “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” There is no sight like the sight of one who has just had their sins washed away. The sky has never looked bluer or the stars shone brighter than for one whose sins are no more. I never knew…

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Renew Your Passion

I recently went to see the movie, The Passion of the Christ.” This movie was indeed violent, full of blood and gore. It was hard to look at, but, yet I found myself drawn into the realness of the film. This was a reenactment of Jesus’ death. It was reminding us of what He did…

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Faith’s Language

At the end of “Saving Private Ryan,” the elderly James Ryan, turns from Captain John Miller’s grave (played by Tom Hanks) and asks his wife, “Am I a good man?” Sometimes other people, with their unique perspective of our actions, are better positioned to assess the incongruities between what we think about ourselves and behavior…

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The Mixing Console in Worship

The mixing console can be an intimidating and “phobic” experience for a new sound tech.Modern consoles can feature more than 500 knobs and infinite settings. However, operating a mixing console can be a very rewarding experience once you understand the basic principals of signal flow. Every console, regardless of size, can be broken down into…

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This is the season we swear off things we have gotten tired of by the end of the year. Every year I say I will never oversee another Children’s Choir, but here I am a few weeks and counting to the production date. Some of us have resolved to stop smoking, eat less, exercise more,…

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Face To Face?

A favorite song of mine describes entering an unknown place past the gates of praise until we’re standing face to face before God in a state of worship. I love that song, but I have to wonder since no man has looked on the face of God, can that be possible? If the feeling we’re…

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As a new worship leader, I felt an unusual call to remain at my church for about two years and not visit other churches as some of my friends were doing at the time. It seemed as though every weekend someone was telling me of a place to go to hear this worship minister or…

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What’s the Cost?

1 Chronicles 21:24 “But King David replied to Aranuah, “No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing.” If you only read this verse, it really has no meaning. It’s a nice phrase, but no depth. David…

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A Life of Praise

When we look at worship, many of us see it as something we are to do once a week. For others it has become a daily part of our lives. When we look at the element of praise, the Bible is very clear on when and how we are to praise God. It is a…

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