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General Worship

Transcultural Aspects of Worship

Worship in the Church of Jesus Christ is a phenomenon that has been and is characterized by enormous diversity across the centuries and across the world today. This diversity seems to be allowed by the New Testament, which gives us precious little in terms of specific guidelines for the practice of worship in the church-nor…

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Yes and Amen

Nestled in the opening strains of Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians is a statement which plumbs the depths of God’s redemptive work through Christ and the relationship with Him which we enjoy because of it. The context finds Paul addressing the charge of insincerity to which he found himself vulnerable in Corinth because of…

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I Want to Know Him

There is a moment in any relationship, actually a number of moments, in which you become aware that something has changed, that the relationship has moved beyond what it was into new and unexplored territory. It is at once terrifying and exhilarating. Terrifying because you have lost the naiveté of not knowing, exhilarating because your…

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The Clay Doesn’t Question

At EXW, we are constantly looking for tools that will help worship leaders and worshipers grow in their personal worship experiences and in their corporate worship settings. Over the past five to ten years we have seen an explosion of creativity in the church. The use of creative video, high energy music, drama, visuals such…

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A Thanksgiving Recalibration

Having a couple days away from life’s madness gave me time to reflect and recalibrate my soul. It is common to find the eminence of circumstances encroaches on the tenor of our lives; especially our spiritual lives. While reflecting I pondered several conversations I had about why I believe and how my faith offers me…

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A Parable

And He also told this parable to certain ones who trusted in themselves that their worship style was the only acceptable form: “Four men went up in to the temple to pray, two traditional music directors and two contemporary worship leaders. One of the music directors stood and was praying thus to himself, ‘God, I…

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The growing emphasis on fresh music and worship in our churches has caused many new worship leaders and songwriters to spring up out of our own local congregations! However, many smaller churches don’t have the resources or the funds to provide resources to those budding songwriters. There are so many new worship songs just waiting…

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Salvation & Worship

Why do many “Christians” in our churches today fail to outwardly worship God? Why is it that many appear to care nothing about worshiping God? They seem to have other things on their minds during the worship service. They give the impression they would rather be somewhere else but feel the obligation to stay. This…

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We normally do not review movies here at EXW but this is one that is definitely worth mentioning. I am a big movie buff who loves everything from romance to Rambo. I have seen a ton of movies over the past 40 years. Love the epics like “Lord of the Rings” and “Last of the…

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Accept People

You’re a different person at different stages of your life. Ten years ago, when I started working at my current church, I met a man named Bob (I’ll use that name because that was his name). He was a delightful man. He arrived early on Sunday mornings to help prepare the sanctuary for worship; he…

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