Introduction: The same question is being asked today as it was in Jesus’ day, “Why do those worshipers make so much noise? Isn’t worship supposed to be reverent? Quiet? Somber? Serious?” A. Some may remind us, shouting is pagan revelry: Moses heard shouting as he returned from his meeting with God; we don’t want to…
Over the past twenty years or so the church has seen some welcomed changes in its attempt to be relevant and current in today’s world. Churches are finally able to hire trained staff to help produce quality music, dramas, videos and more for their worship services. They hire trained teachers and leaders to head up…
Psalm 103:1 “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” Sometimes when I begin to think I understand what God meant by worshiping Him, I find a new area that hits me between the eyes. There are all the usual ways in our private and corporate worship but have…
Director’s Notes: This drama has an Olympics theme and focuses on how we can’t judge others by what we perceive with our own eyes. This includes people we know (a person at church for example) or ones we don’t but have “heard” about (like Amy Grant.) We are only accountable to God for our own…
Psalm 66:8-10 “Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver.” Call me insane, but I have this fetish (some have been so insensitive as to call it derangement!)…
Do your choir and vocalists have a difficult time remembering all the words to songs you sing each week? Do they sometimes resort to the naming of fruit to get by? Or do they turn to their neighbor and watch their lips for help? If you are like me, you want the singers heads up…
Does your worship experience depend on what YOU will experience personally during the worship service? Do you have the preconceived notion that worship should make YOU feel better when you leave? If you’re having a bad morning, do you think that God will give YOU an excused absence, much as a professor in a class?…
Psalm 119:108 “Accept, O lord, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws.” Worship had always seemed a cut and dried subject until I really started to delve into what it was. Study revealed some new aspects of worship to me, but for the most part I already knew the fundamentals. What…
Isaiah 59:1, 2 “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” What do you think of when you consider being humbled…
Director’s Notes: This is the closing drama for a stewardship series. The following sketches (I got me a job, I got me some bills and I got me no time) precede this drama. If you’ve read a lot of my stuff, you know that I don’t get very preachy but this ending seemed to wrap…
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