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Shift Worship

If you haven’t been to, you may want to set some time aside today to visit it. Shift Worship is one of the best sites on the web for visual worship images, Creative, versatile, easy to use, and it has an iPhone app that allows you to take photos and edit them right on…

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How to Delegate the Right Way

The difference between delegating responsibility and giving away delegated authority is like eggs and ham: the chicken is involved; the pig is committed. It’s safe to say most of us have worked for a manager that used delegation as a means to a task-based end. They wanted things done, so they delegated responsibility down the…

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Sacred Spaces

Ever thought about how the room you gather in on a Sunday morning is used? How is the stage set up? What is the focal point of the room? Where do the seats point, and what is the accessibility of the stage? What artistic expressions exist in the worship space? I do. All the time….

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Simplicity or Complexity

Many worship leaders are quite perplexed at the troubled relationship between skill and artistic expression in the church. How much weight should be placed on skill in the context of corporate worship? This often depends largely on the function of the tool (music, visual arts, etc.) being used. Is the purpose intended for congregational participation…

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Set Milestones & Define Expectations

Speaking specifically to followers of Jesus, as believers leading other believers, we’re not looking to modify behavior; we’re looking for heart change (measuring spiritual fruit). In most situations with talented employees, this has almost nothing to do with their skills and abilities but about their interpersonal relationship issues or time/project management soft skills. PIP’s must…

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Theology of Change

A few years ago, I came home to find my teenage sons sitting with some friends around the dining room table, laughing hysterically at some books they were passing around. I knew something was up because when I entered the room, they all looked up at me with big grins on their faces. Turns out…

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Dying for Their Faith

People are dying today for their faith. What are you doing? Is it hard to worship this day knowing that fellow believers, although not like us, across the oceans are being massacred? Dying for their faith? My heart breaks! It is hard for me…for many reasons. We live in the U.S.A. No chance of that…

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Uninhibited Worship

Many of us are familiar with the story of David dancing naked in 2 Samuel. While this may seem like a problem for many of us in the context of corporate worship, we must understand the heart behind this. David even said that he would become even more undignified, the point being that his worship…

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The Powder Keg

So much of what we do as church techs revolves around communication between those we work with and us. Clarity and alignment of the overall vision is key. Unfortunately, techs, pastors, musicians, and even attendees are often on different pages when it comes to what the purpose of any given service or event actually is….

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Excellence in Church Music Ministry

Psalm 33:3 tells us to sing a new song to the Lord and to play skillfully. If we are not careful, we can abandon this calling; yes, it is indeed a calling, particularly for worship leaders. There is also a call many places in scripture to make a joyful noise unto the Lord with no…

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