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Author: Steve Newman

Stephen M. Newman is the author of Experiencing Worship, A Study of Biblical Worship, and Founder & Editor of Steve currently serves as Pastor of Worship, First Presbyterian Church of Baton Rouge, LA. Steve has extensive experience in both traditional and contemporary worship styles and has been serving in music and worship capacities since 1982.


Do you ever wonder why people don’t participate in worship the way you would like them to? Have you ever been in a service where it was hard to worship? Do you know why? If the music is not distracting, and the style of music is to your liking, there should be no reason why…

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What’s Your Reason?

When I speak to people on the subject of worship, I get a host of feedback from A-Z. Worship is so simple and yet it can be so complex. When humans are involved, conflict and differences are sure to be close behind! Everyone has a different definition and opinion on worship. When I ask people…

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In Search of the Spiritual

Do you ever stop and ask yourself, “Why do people visit my church?” Do you ever ask yourself, “Why don’t they come back?” Why is it that churches across the country see people coming in the front door only to have them exit the same door and never return? I know of churches that will…

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The Destroyer

John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” We all know how sin can ruin our lives. The decisions we make can cause us to lose our jobs, families, friends and more. We tend to think that…

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Performing Plague

If you are human, then you probably deal with a little ego. We as musicians tend to enjoy playing our music for others. We like to showcase our talents to those who will listen. What better place for the Christian than the church. If you struggle with performing over worshiping, you are not alone. As…

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Food For Thought

A thought on worship…. “If I think what I do on Sunday’s is true worship, I have missed it. If I go to church to see what I can get, I have missed it. If I judge my worship by how I feel, I have missed it. Worship is living a life of obedience to…

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Is God Pleased? – Is He?

Unfortunately, on more than one occasion I have found it hard to get the sleep I need. There have been many instances where I have lain awake at night and not been able to sleep. I’ve come to the conclusion that during those times God has something He wants to share with me. I believe…

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Singing = Praying?

I honestly admit that I am not the greatest student of the Bible. I tend to look at things for what they are, and through prayer, question only the things that send up red flags. I was doing a word search last week and decided to see how many times certain words appeared in my…

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Contract It Out

Over the past twenty years or so the church has seen some welcomed changes in its attempt to be relevant and current in today’s world. Churches are finally able to hire trained staff to help produce quality music, dramas, videos and more for their worship services. They hire trained teachers and leaders to head up…

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Behind the Praise

Here at EXW we love to bring you resources that will truly benefit your churches worship experience. One of the latest and best resources we have found is called “Behind the Praise”. I could go on and on about this wonderful resource for the church but I’ve asked the founder and owner, Mark Garner, to…

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