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When we look at the role of church staff person, many duties come to mind. Listed below are some qualifications for Music Ministers, Worship Leaders, and all Pastors of the church.

I. A good shepherd puts his flock first- Ezekiel 34:1-10

A. a leader with a shepherd’s heart cares for his team with an authenticity and sincerity, not just about himself. It is the weakling and not the strong that neglects their people.

B. a leader with a shepherd’s heart provides training to the team to strengthen them.

C. a leader with a shepherd’s heart leads the team with wisdom not force.
-do you take time alone with God to get His mind on leading your people?
-do you get defensive or heavy-handed if your key leaders don’t do what you want?
-do you seek wise counsel or does your pride limit you?

D. a leader with a shepherd’s heart is held accountable for the welfare of his team.

II. A good shepherd sees the bigger picture – Psalm 23

A. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart knows the real needs and meets them. Uses felt needs to reveal real needs.

B. a team leader with shepherd’s heart provides spiritual guidance and modeling. Do you live a genuine faith in action constantly seeking God’s heart?

C. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart gives comfort and confidence- a combination of gentle grace and tough love.

D. a team leader with shepherd’s heart empowers generously.
– trusts them with responsibility
– trains them for competence
– unleashes them with authority
– communicates for clarity and quality
– builds them up through loving support

E. a team leader with shepherd’s heart provides vision, hope and love.

III. A good shepherd develops a close relationship with his flock. John 10

A. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart knows his team by name.

B. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart leads his team by example and modeling.

C. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart makes sacrifices for his team by being available.

IV. A good shepherd leads from the heart, not with a fist. I Peter 5: 2-5

A. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart serves with a joyful and willing spirit- does not resent the time spent.

B. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart serves with pure motives, not for glory or glamor but for the glory of God.

C. a team leader with a shepherd’s heart serves without abusing power and authority- a servant, not lording it over them.

I more than any need to be reminded of our roles in ministry. If we have all the talent in the world but fail to minister and love our people, we have failed. Everything Jesus’ did on earth was a result of His love for them. Lord help us all to be more like your son the Ultimate Shepherd.

EXW Staff

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