I Corinthians 6:19, 20 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
If you’ve ever tried to get into Sam’s Club without a card, you quickly learn the value of membership. You just don’t belong until you carry that little card and flash it proudly. As an owner of the business card I have even greater benefits as I can get in before the doors open for regular card carriers. In the Christian’s life, the Cross becomes our card. Because of that Cross, we have access into a place where we never could have hoped to ever be. Not only are we members but we’re related to the Boss. Sometimes I notice that unbelievers feel a little out of their league when they are around worshiping Christians. God gave us the ability to worship and praise Him and He accepts it from us as we offer it back to Him. Just as you have no hope of shopping in a place where membership is required with no card, so God requires us to have endorsed the Cross as our means of gaining entrance.
Terri Pettyjohn is a regular contributor to ExperiencingWorship.com Her devotionals and Women in Worship articles are a favorite of many of our users as she seeks to touch the hearts of others through her writing. Terri currently lives in Farmington, NM where she is pursuing a career in free-lance writing. She is an attender of Pinon Hills Community Church and volunteers on a regular basis in the Worship Arts Ministry. When she is not busy there she is investing in the lives of her grandchildren and others.