Breaking News

The Comfy Christian

Director’s Notes:
This is another drama about misplaced priorities. It’s easy to put things in front of what God has for us. In this case, it’s comfort (always a tough one for me!) When it comes to Lordship, it’s more than just “Time, Treasure and Talent” – it can be anything that keeps us from being available to the Lord.

Dave: A guy with his priorities out of whack
Teri: Dave’s wife
John: Dave’s buddy

a couch

A family room

(LIGHTS UP CENTER STAGE with Dave and John sleeping on a couch watching football. Teri comes home from church with coat on and all)

Teri: (shaking head) Unbelievable. (walks over and kicks John in the leg waking him up) Ok, John, time to go home.

John: Huh? Wha?

Teri: Yep. Time to go home.

John: Is the game over?

Teri: (saying anything to get him to leave) Uh, yeah. It’s over.

John: (still out of it) Did the Eagles win?

Teri: Sure. They won.

John: What was the score?

Teri: I don’t know. (makes something up) 100 to nothing. See ya John. (as she pushes him out)

John: Ok. Bye. (off he goes)

Teri: (looks back at Dave and sighs) Okay, honey. Time to wake up.

Dave: Huh? Oh. Hey. (looks around) Where’s John?

Teri: I kicked him out.

Dave: Ah. (thought strikes him) Is it because you are feeling romantic???

Teri: (rolls eyes) Pleeeease.

Dave: Oh well. (looks at her) How was church?

Teri: It was really good. You should have gone you know.

Dave: Yeah. It was just such a long week and I needed to rest.

Teri: That 4 hour nap yesterday didn’t cut it, eh?

Dave: (sarcastic) Funny. (Goes back to watching the game)

Teri: You know, I was talking with Chris today and he was telling me that he wanted to come to your small group.

Dave: (watching game) Oh yeah. Cool.

Teri: He also wanted to know where to start reading in his Bible.

Dave: uh huh…

Teri: I told him you would call him and talk with him.

Dave: uh huh…

Teri: (looks at him for a few beats) I think I’ll give him a call and you can talk to him.

Dave: mmm…

Teri: (dials phone) Chris, it’s Teri. Dave’s here. Hold on. (hands phone to Dave who takes it without his eyes leaving the TV.)

Dave: Hello? Oh hey, Chris. Uh huh. Uh huh. Read the book of John…. Oh you have? Okay, read the whole old Testament. I gotta go. Bye. (Hands phone back to wife.)

Teri: Well, that was encouraging.

Dave: Cool. Thanks.

Teri: (shakes head) I didn’t mean… ugh…Anyway, I was looking through the worship folder and that work and witness team is coming in to help with finishing the building. I signed up to do lunches. I thought maybe you would help out to.

Dave: Can’t.

Teri: Really? Why not?

Dave: Stuff going on.

Teri: Like…?

Dave: I’m not really sure. But I know I have lots of stuff going on.

Teri: Which day?

Dave: (looks at her) Whatever day they are here.

Teri: (gritting teeth and looking at him) They’re here for 2 days.

Dave: (Gritting teeth right back) Right. 2 days. Lots and lots of stuff.

Teri: Whatever. (starts to leave) Oh, and don’t forget I’m going out with my Mom’s group on Friday for a shopping night out.

Dave: (still watching football) Right. Ok. The kids will have fun.

Teri: Uh. Hello? You will be watching the kids remember?

Dave: (looks at her and panics) Me? Watch the kids? BY MYSELF?

Teri: Yeah. I do it every day.

Dave: But what will I do with them? Do I have to feed them? What will… (stops and thinks) Actually, that’s ok.

Teri: Uh oh. What are you planning???

Dave: I’ll just rent a couple of videos and they’ll be fine.

Teri: Videos?

Dave: Yeah. Popcorn is ok for dinner, right?

Teri: Dave, what is wrong with you lately. It seems that you are more interested in taking naps, watching football, and listening to that awful Johnny Mathis…

Dave: Hey! One day Johnny Mathis is going to die and you’re gonna say “He was fabulous – I’ve listened to him for years…”

Teri: Whatever. (Dave starts to nod off to sleep again as Teri delivers this speech walking around him, not really looking at him) All I’m saying is that it feels like you’re just interested in your own comfort level. I mean I know that you are a good Christian man but lately all you care about is doing your own stuff. I mean, I think your priorities are a bit out of….(notices he is asleep)… whack.

Teri: Dave? Dave? (Teri takes the remote from his hand and turns off the T.V.) She walks off the stage, shaking her head as the lights slowly fade…


© 2004 Dave Marsh

Dave Marsh

Hello and welcome to Stage Right, the online drama ministry of EXW. My name is Dave Marsh and there are a few things you should probably know about me. First, I'm not a ‘theatre guy.' I've never quoted Shakespeare (at least seriously), and I've never played Daddy Warbucks in Annie. Second, I received my ‘training' in writing, directing, and acting at a church called Willow Creek (in Illinois.) Third, I'm an online games producer by trade but my real passion is found in telling others about Christ through contemporary church drama. I have a few opinions about drama in the church as well. I think that contemporary drama is both underutilized and misunderstood. I believe it is something like 5-10 years behind contemporary worship. When many churches think about using drama, it usually involves the Passion Play or a children's Christmas musical. Many people don't have the opportunity to experience what are called ‘slice of life' dramas. These dramas may last only 3-4 minutes long but create a powerful (and many times humorous) illustration on any given Sunday. I also believe that any church, no matter what size, can use drama effectively, giving God glory, and inspire/convict normal folks like you and I to walk closer to God So, what's Stage Right all about? It's about offering you the advice and resources you need to help you create and act in contemporary Christian dramas. I'm no expert, but I've seen lives changed as I continue to strive for excellence in this area, constantly praying that God would use me to tell others about how to live for Him. Over the coming weeks and months, I hope to provide you with articles about creating a drama philosophy, working with your pastor, developing a team, writing short effective scripts, directing actors, and acting on stage. I also look forward to hearing from you, taking suggestions on topics that you feel should be covered Over the last 3 years, I've written over 45 dramas that are easy to memorize, require few actors, and are highly humorous and relevant. These dramas are available to you for free and will be added to this site over the course of the next few months. You can currently download all of these dramas from my personal site ( and can contact me personally if you wish (dave). I look forward to serving you here at EXW and want to thank Steve for asking me to jump on board. In His hands Dave Marsh

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