If you are considering hosting an Extreme Concert for next year or planning an event of your own, the following timetable and promotional guidelines can maximize the impact and attendance of your event.
Basic Marketing Overview:
Contact talent, sign contracts,project expenses, review riders and make deposits.
Meet with sponsors, concert committee & promotions committee to finalize promotional strategy.
Finalize ticket prices.
Reserve any equipment (refer to artist’s rider) such as sound, staging and lighting.
In house ticket sales program and teams confirmed.
Outside Ticket sales program and teams confirmed.
Promotional materials ordered.(posters, flyers, tickets, radio/TV spots, etc.)
Radio/TV spot schedule determined with sales office of radio/TV station.
Contact local newspapers about featuring a story on an artist and the concert.
Begin running “teaser” radio spots announcing concert and on sale date.
Tickets should go on sale, if not done so before now.
Promotional materials (flyers, posters, etc.) distributed.
Confirm ad placement and cover stories.
Send group email to potential ticket buyers.
Direct mail piece should be sent. It is helpful to utilize direct mail companies that can do target mailings to specific demographics. Please target churches in this mailing as well.
Flyers should be placed in local church bulletins.
Contact local youth pastors/music ministers regarding special group rates, contests, meeting times, etc.
Begin full radio advertising campaign and establish contest/giveaway schedule.
Any event day personnel needing to be hired, should be contacted at this time.
Contact caterer and identify menus and number of meals.
TV advertising (if any) begins.
Organize, invite and hold a local youth pastor/music minister luncheon to encourage them to purchase group tickets for their parishioners.
Contact local groups and para-church organizations (college Christian organizations, women’s groups, Bible study groups, etc.) for group purchases.
Follow-up calls made to all key recipients of direct mail piece.
Create information gathering card to be distributed to concert attendees. Card should request information such as name, address, email address, age group, etc. This is a key source of information for use in future concert promotions.
Analyze ticket sales and modify promotional campaign accordingly.
Finalize all personnel for day of show.
Contact artist management for last minute artist details.
Finalize all mail-order and group ticket sales.
Promoter is expected to do a direct mailing to regional churches and individuals in concert market 5-8 weeks prior to concert date. Regional churches are willing to provide you their mailing lists.
High schools, colleges, and universities should also be considered as “key” regional groups for a direct mail piece. Many colleges will allow you to stuff mailboxes at certain designated times. Others may charge a small fee for the service.
Be sure to blanket your area with a sufficient number of posters and flyers. Don’t limit yourself to just churches and high schools. Be sure to cover all the bases: local retailers (pizza shops, arcades, sporting good stores, gas stations, etc.) and non-profit organizations (YMCA, public libraries, etc.). Always be sure to ask first before hanging posters in some of these areas. Additionally, it is common courtesy to remove the posters following the concert date.
Often a second run is needed two weeks prior to the date as posters and/or flyers get knocked down or are defaced.
Distributing flyers at other concerts in the area prior to your date is always effective. Be sensitive and ask the “other” promoter as to the manner which is most acceptable and the least threatening (ie: after the show vs. intermission.)
Make sure to utilize both Christian and mainstream radio. Besides targeting the top contemporary Christian station, incorporate spots on the most popular CHR and rock stations.
Focus the rotation of spots on drive times, Saturday mornings, Thursday & Friday nights, etc. Besides the regular schedule of rotating spots, be sure to include concert information on all community bulletin boards, concert calendars, etc.
Be sure to personally invite all important station personnel to the concert. You may offer comp tickets, but use discretion so that you don’t end up giving all of your tickets away.
Host/promoting stations are obviously ideal sources for an MC for the concert. Make sure to get approval from management before giving a presenting slot to a radio station.
Contact the manager’s office to arrange call-in interviews by the artist to the local Christian radio station.
While being probably the most expensive medium to utilize, with the right type of spot placement, television can yield the greatest results. Whether you’re dealing with commercial, cable or public, make a point to become informed on the demographics of the stations in consideration.
When buying time, target programs that appeal to the expected age of your audience attendees.
Be sure to utilize both larger metropolitan papers as well as smaller community papers. When talking with editors, besides including the concert announcement in a community events section, make a pitch for an interview or feature story and placement of a photograph.
Be sure to contact area college and high school papers. Generally, these publications are always in need of material and often have a strong focus on entertainment.
Contact the management office to ensure that the artist’s publicist and you are communicating and working together on interviews, newspaper stories or features, etc.
When first designing your promotional campaign, be sure to include both time and manpower to cover this area. All too often this area is overlooked. Putting a voice to what you’re putting out in print can make the difference.
Key calls should include talking with pastors, youth pastors and music ministers in your area. The goal should be not only to inform them of the concert date and the ticket price breaks for groups but also to educate them on the focus and integrity of the artist’s ministry. You should call a minimum of 50 churches in your region, and considerably more in some cases.
Hello and Welcome to Sound Advice, the technical forum for worship leaders and technical staff in today�s church. My name is Leon Sievers, and while I have more than twenty years of professional audio experience, it is out of obedience and my faith in God which prompted me to create Sound Advice. I have a passion for worship and a strong commitment to prayer. The goal of this web-site is to inspire a commitment to technical excellence within the church. It is my prayer�. that you can benefit from my experience, and I from yours.
I want to dedicate this ministry first to our Lord and Savior, to my wife Laura and daughter Katie, Stephen Newman for creating EXW, my Pastor John Reed and to my brothers in Christ and Sound; Larry Aitken, Lance Enos, Mike Austin, Darryl Brice, Shaug Evans, Erik Yourshaw and the entire worship team(s) at Canyon Hills Church, without whom I would have never come to know the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Before we get started, would you please join me in a prayer for our respective ministries�
Oh Lord, please bless this ministry that it might glorify your name. May the talent that you have bestowed upon me be used only to serve you. Let this work be a witness to your majesty and love, and remind us that you are always watching, and listening, from your throne above. May your presence and beauty be found in every note, and may the words that are sung reach the hearts of your people so they will draw closer to you. May your Spirit guide us through every measure so that we might be the instruments of your peace, and proclaim your glory with glad voices���Amen.
Let me begin by saying that this is your web-site and I have no pre-conceived notions of what it should be. I found EXW to be a valuable resource for information, which helped me grow in my faith and understanding of worship. When the Lord first spoke to me about creating Sound Advice, I conducted my own research into those who have gone before me. And I want to tell you�. there are some tremendous people who share our passion for Christ and have technical insight. And true to their faith, they have agreed to share in their experience and knowledge so that we may all benefit. A lot of ground has already been covered in creating technical materials and articles that apply to the church. Rather than duplicate their efforts in an attempt to be original, I will continue to collaborate with the leaders that God has inspired and aid you in filtering the vast resources of information. I will remain open to the spirit in featuring the topics that are of most interest to you and of importance to God. I will translate the technical into real world terms that the layman and novice can understand and APPLY. I am open and committed to developing this ministry into whatever God will have it become.