Lamar Boschman is a wonderful worship leader and writer on the topic of worship. This book is a well balanced piece that will help you in your growth and understanding of worship. In our opinion, this is Lamar’s best book on the subject. It is well worth the time and money to purchase and read. Chapters include: Being a Worshiper, The Living Heart of Faith, Called to Worship, Worship Doesn’t End with the Song Service along with several chapters on the history of worship in the church and trends in worship. A great book for someone who is hungry to learn about true biblical worship. Although this book is not new, it’s teachings are timeless and it is worth the read.
Great Books from Lamar Boschman:
A Heart of Worship Experience a Rebirth of Worship
The Rebirth of Music
Future Worship How a Changing World Can Enter God’s Presence in the New Millennium
A Passion for His Presence
Real Men Worship
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