This book may not be a “How to do Worship” book but it is one worth reading. Stephen Covey has been a recognized name in the business world for years. If you have read and enjoyed “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, you will enjoy this book. He has some great principles and tips for people in leadership positions. The philosophies of leadership carry over to any area of leadership. The church is a odd bird in regards to how it operates and is led. We work with volunteers for the most part. The act of leading them tends to be a bit more delicate than in the business world. This book offers some great direction to better help us lead in our churches.
“Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.” Stephen Covey.
If you desire to survive in ministry in this new millenium, the practives revealed in this book will help you better lead those in your care. It will help you be a better leader and minister as you seek to be all that God has for you.
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