Too long a time has gone by with us being “fake lovers of Jesus.” We say we love Him, we talk about Him, to others but in the solitude of our hearts we don’t truly believe. We distrust God and His promises, we long for Him to love us, we beg for Him to hear us when we pray. Why? Because we have not truly settled in our spirits the existence of God for us. We can believe God for others and have faith that would move mountains for our family and friends, but when it comes to us personally- we say that it is impossible.
Do we realize that such a statement is a lie and sin in the sight of God? The Bible says that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). All things are possible with God. Our mode of operating should not be that it’s okay for everyone else but not for me. Our thought life must come in line with the word of God. Not trusting God’s word for ourselves can be a prime indicator that we have not been spending time meditating on His word. We should have an arsenal full of scriptures to combat the enemy. The Bible says in Psalms 119 that the word is hidden in our hearts that we might not sin against God. Notice where the word is to be hidden; we should be hiding His word in our heart.
That is the most central part of our body. If it does not function, we die. We could be in a coma, but, if our heart is still beating on its own, we are still considered alive. Our heart is an integral part of how we describe how we may feel about someone. “I love you with all my heart,” is one such phrase we use. When we become frightened about something, we may say something like, “I felt my heart jump out of my chest.” When someone hurts us deeply, we say we are “heartbroken.” That heart is a very important thing. That is why the Bible tell us to guard our hearts for from it are the issues of life. Our hearts are so important to God to keep protected. Without it being protected, “we die.”
When you say you love Jesus, reflect on His character and what He did for us. Because He loved, He gave.
Give your heart to Christ to hold and trust in His word completely. I Corinthians 10:4 reminds us to cast down imaginations and things that try to be higher than God. It says in that same verse that we are to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Therefore, if God says in His word that nothing is impossible, we need to believe that word and trust God completely to work out every situation. He promised that He would never leave us not forsake us. Trust God with your “heart.” He will not break it.
Minister Darlene Thorne has been in the music ministry for over 20 years. Her fourfold purpose of her ministry along with her husband is to…
Lead God’s people into a life transforming worship experience;
Create an atmosphere where the spirit of God can have free reign in the lives of His people;
Wage spiritual warfare on the enemy;
and most importantly, to Glorify God.
Darlene’s heart cry is to impact the lives of believers so that they desire to enter into God’s presence and experience the power of praise and the awesome wonder of worship. She and her husbands’ teaching ministry have taken them across the country where they have ministered in many churches.
The Thorns now call North Carolina home. Darlene is a graduate of DePaul University in Chicago, IL with a degree in Communications. She has been married for 20 years to her husband Kevin and they together are raising their two world changer children Kevin and Kennedy Elayne.