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Using Drum Shields In Worship

In houses of worship, large and small, getting good sound isolation can be a huge challenge. Whether the need is to separate the drums from the rest of the ensemble or to help control the overall stage volume, the ClearSonic 5 Panel Drum Shield is an easy and convenient way to get the job done.

Developed by ClearSonic Manufacturing Inc., the ClearSonic 5 Panel Drum Shield consists of 5 clear 1/4″ thick acrylic panels measuring 5 1/2′ (66″) x 2′ (24″) hinged together accordion style with transparent hinges. The Shield features cutouts at the bottom for easy cabling and has a total weight of 85 lbs. for easy transport. The base of each panel has a steel reinforced semi-transparent rubber like trim base to protect the panels and the floor from scratching. They provide a good amount of sound isolation, alleviating the problem of the drums overpowering the other instruments on stage. I could also see them being instrumental in minimizing bleed in live recording situations. Knowing the benefits of good isolation, the ClearSonic appealed to me right off the bat although I did have some concerns. How does the ClearSonic affect the drummer’s interaction with other players? Is the drummer adequately able to hear what the other musicians are playing on stage? What kind of effect will sound rebounding off of the ClearSonic have on the overall sound of the drums out front and to me (the drummer)?

As far as hearing what the other musicians are playing is concerned, in situations where the drums are behind the amplified instruments and /or the P.A., you will definitely need adequate monitors. Once the monitors are dialed-in, communication on stage should be a cinch. Sound rebound is an issue with the ClearSonic. One positive aspect of sound rebound is that you won’t need to have the drums loud in your monitor mix. It can become a problem if the mikes pick-up the rebound. There are pads available that can alleviate it, so it is no big deal. One drawback I experienced was the feeling that I was separate from the rest of the ensemble. I think that was because I have never played behind a shield before and it could take a little getting used to.

To sum it up, the ClearSonic 5 Panel Drum Shield is light and easy to collapse and transport. It does exactly what it is supposed to- isolate the drums to prevent sound bleeding. From the drummer’s vantage point, with good monitors, the ClearSonic is relatively unobtrusive. From a musical director’s perspective, the ClearSonic is an excellent tool providing necessary sound control over every performance.

Leon Sievers

Hello and Welcome to Sound Advice, the technical forum for worship leaders and technical staff in today�s church. My name is Leon Sievers, and while I have more than twenty years of professional audio experience, it is out of obedience and my faith in God which prompted me to create Sound Advice. I have a passion for worship and a strong commitment to prayer. The goal of this web-site is to inspire a commitment to technical excellence within the church. It is my prayer�. that you can benefit from my experience, and I from yours. I want to dedicate this ministry first to our Lord and Savior, to my wife Laura and daughter Katie, Stephen Newman for creating EXW, my Pastor John Reed and to my brothers in Christ and Sound; Larry Aitken, Lance Enos, Mike Austin, Darryl Brice, Shaug Evans, Erik Yourshaw and the entire worship team(s) at Canyon Hills Church, without whom I would have never come to know the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Before we get started, would you please join me in a prayer for our respective ministries� Oh Lord, please bless this ministry that it might glorify your name. May the talent that you have bestowed upon me be used only to serve you. Let this work be a witness to your majesty and love, and remind us that you are always watching, and listening, from your throne above. May your presence and beauty be found in every note, and may the words that are sung reach the hearts of your people so they will draw closer to you. May your Spirit guide us through every measure so that we might be the instruments of your peace, and proclaim your glory with glad voices���Amen. Let me begin by saying that this is your web-site and I have no pre-conceived notions of what it should be. I found EXW to be a valuable resource for information, which helped me grow in my faith and understanding of worship. When the Lord first spoke to me about creating Sound Advice, I conducted my own research into those who have gone before me. And I want to tell you�. there are some tremendous people who share our passion for Christ and have technical insight. And true to their faith, they have agreed to share in their experience and knowledge so that we may all benefit. A lot of ground has already been covered in creating technical materials and articles that apply to the church. Rather than duplicate their efforts in an attempt to be original, I will continue to collaborate with the leaders that God has inspired and aid you in filtering the vast resources of information. I will remain open to the spirit in featuring the topics that are of most interest to you and of importance to God. I will translate the technical into real world terms that the layman and novice can understand and APPLY. I am open and committed to developing this ministry into whatever God will have it become.

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