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It’s Not About Us

It was an unusual Sunday morning. My husband was traveling out of town that morning and we (our two young ones 5 and 7 years old) had to get him to the airport by 6:30 am. It seemed like it was going downhill from there. We had a hard time during breakfast because we are very close and it was a little difficult for them being away from their father.

Upon arrival at church, I find out one of the praise team members was not going to be there. One of the musicians was having a rough time and was unable to play, so there I was. I was becoming frustrated because I am a person that really likes order. It was during that time that I heard the verse, “But He said to me, My grace-my favor and loving-kindness and mercy- are enough for you,{that is, sufficient against any danger and enable you to bear the trouble manfully}; for My strength and power are made perfect-fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective-in[your] weakness…” (II Corinthians 12:9,AMP). It’s His grace and favor that is given to me, when I am willing to admit my need for Him.

It’s not only when we have those great mornings that we just know that the presence of the Lord is going to fall, but it’s those times of testing and uncertainty that we truly trust in the Lord.
That morning before service should have been for me a disaster in the worship service, but God, showed Himself to us in such a rich way. That experience once again shows us how it is not in anything that we conjure up, or bring to its fullest by playing the right songs, it’s our openness, in the midst of whatever you may call calamity, to the spirit of God to draw us to His side.

That was one of the most life-changing worship services. It was the speaker that day who challenged us to believe that “God does not love anyone more than He loves me.” Although it is known in our heads, do we believe it in our hearts that God does love us? He challenged us to look beyond what a person possesses or what may appear to be a successful saint and know God is looking for us to totally surrender our lives to him in order for him to give us what we need to excel in our life in Christ.

God told me that He loved me, not for what I can sing to Him, but what I am willing to give to Him. When I give up what I think is what needs to be there for God to move, He shows me that if I am where he wants me to be He will move. What a great thing to know that all I need to do is rest in Him and relax, because ultimately, He is in control.

Darlene Thorne

Minister Darlene Thorne has been in the music ministry for over 20 years. Her fourfold purpose of her ministry along with her husband is to... Lead God's people into a life transforming worship experience; Create an atmosphere where the spirit of God can have free reign in the lives of His people; Wage spiritual warfare on the enemy; and most importantly, to Glorify God. Darlene's heart cry is to impact the lives of believers so that they desire to enter into God's presence and experience the power of praise and the awesome wonder of worship. She and her husbands' teaching ministry have taken them across the country where they have ministered in many churches. The Thorns now call North Carolina home. Darlene is a graduate of DePaul University in Chicago, IL with a degree in Communications. She has been married for 20 years to her husband Kevin and they together are raising their two world changer children Kevin and Kennedy Elayne.

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