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Renew Your Passion

I recently went to see the movie, The Passion of the Christ.” This movie was indeed violent, full of blood and gore. It was hard to look at, but, yet I found myself drawn into the realness of the film. This was a reenactment of Jesus’ death. It was reminding us of what He did on the cross over 2000 years ago. I felt my body cringe when they whipped Jesus and my hands felt weak and a sort of pain when the soldiers pierced His hand. It was a horrific sight!

After I left the theatre, I found I could not verbally express how I felt about the movie. It wasn’t until that Sunday that all the pieces came together. (I saw the movie on a Friday.) It was communion time and the pastor was recounting what Jesus’ death meant for us. It hit me! Like a ton of bricks, it hit me. I was closing my eyes to begin to pray and I saw it- different parts of the movie began flashing before my eyes. The part where the soldiers beat him and laughed at him came first. Then when Jesus was carrying the cross to fulfill His mission for which He came flashed in front of me. The blood that was pouring out for me, the breaking of my Savior’s skin for my sin-it all flashed before me. I tell you, I wept with such grief and thankfulness all in one.

I began to think about how I would get beside myself when I heard something being said about me that hurt. I started thinking about how I in times past would not stand up for what I knew to be right. I thought about all the times I disobeyed the urgings of the Holy Spirit and did my own thing. I said to myself, I have not begun to really live out Galatians 2:20 which says, “I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ that lives in me and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

I am so unworthy, but Jesus made me the righteousness of God in Him. I am made to be worthy because of what Christ did on the cross. How He suffered for our sins and the pain that was inflicted upon Him; I know I could not have endured such brutality. We as women who have had children talk about the different types of pain that was felt during the delivery; however, I do not think it is in any way a comparison to what our Lord suffered to give us life like we did in bringing our children into the world.

My whole love walk with Jesus has changed. Maybe the movie created such a controversy across the country because of what it made you think about when it was over. I know it caused me to re-examine my relationship with our Creator and come to grips with the passion that He had for us to endure what He did. I have been challenged to walk more closely with Him and to hold more loosely people and things. Colossians 3:1, 2 says, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (NIV) Our passion should truly be to live a life that is totally surrendered to Jesus and our lives should mirror His. Whatever He desires from us should be a piece of cake to give when we remember what Jesus gave for us. Put yourself in the remembrance of what Jesus has done for you and see won’t it re-ignite your passion and love for Him.

Darlene Thorne

Minister Darlene Thorne has been in the music ministry for over 20 years. Her fourfold purpose of her ministry along with her husband is to... Lead God's people into a life transforming worship experience; Create an atmosphere where the spirit of God can have free reign in the lives of His people; Wage spiritual warfare on the enemy; and most importantly, to Glorify God. Darlene's heart cry is to impact the lives of believers so that they desire to enter into God's presence and experience the power of praise and the awesome wonder of worship. She and her husbands' teaching ministry have taken them across the country where they have ministered in many churches. The Thorns now call North Carolina home. Darlene is a graduate of DePaul University in Chicago, IL with a degree in Communications. She has been married for 20 years to her husband Kevin and they together are raising their two world changer children Kevin and Kennedy Elayne.

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