We would like to introduce you to one of our favorite sites for the worship pastor/music minister who is looking beyond his/her ministry in music and worship. XPastor.org is an amazing resource for anyone who desires to step into the XP or XO role. David Fletcher has developed a quality site filled with practical tools to help anyone presently serving in the role of Executive Pastor or for people like me who are considering transitioning into the role.
The days of a music minister/worship pastor serving out his years in that role is diminishing at an alarming rate and close to nonexistent. I regularly run into old friends who are no longer serving in the church because they could no longer “fit” into the new, and every evolving, role. I have served for the past 30 years as a worship pastor/music pastor in the local church. Although I am still serving in this role, this sad trend will one day force me to either leave ministry altogether or find another role that fits my gifting and experience.
I have been praying for years about the inevitable transition that would need to take place in my own journey. In my search for what that might look like, I discovered XPastor.org.
If you are in the same boat as myself, and the thousands of musicians in the church, I encourage you to give XPastor.org a serious look. I personally signed up for all their courses. It was a decision that carried two purposes.
1. Prepare me for my inevitable transition. The courses will allow me gain a better understanding of the role of an XP and will provide me with relevant teaching to be effective in the role.
2. To broaden my effectiveness in my present position. Although we never know when our personal transitions will take place, these courses will help me in my present position to better lead and contribute as a leader.
Whatever your situation, this resource is invaluable for anyone who serves in leadership in the local church. I chose to take all the courses because I will need the knowledge for my new role someday. If God should allow me to stay in my present role for the remainder of my years in ministry, these tools will only help me to be better at what I do. For me it’s a win-win situation.
Staff writer for ExperiencingWorship.com.