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Glorious Ruin

In this world, one thing is certain: Everybody hurts. Suffering may take the form of tragedy, heartbreak, or addiction. Or it could be something more mundane (but no less real) like resentment, loneliness, or disappointment. But there’s unfortunately no such thing as a painless life. In Glorious Ruin, best-selling author Tullian Tchividjian takes an honest and refreshing look at the reality of suffering, the ways we tie ourselves in knots trying to deal with it, and the comfort of the gospel for those who can’t seem to fix themselves—or others.

This is not so much a book about Why God allows suffering or even How we should approach suffering—it is a book about the tremendously liberating and gloriously counterintuitive truth of a God who suffers with you and for you. It is a book, in other words, about the kind of hope that takes the shape of a cross.

“Biblically saturated and faithful, Glorious Ruin is a gift to the hurting, confused, and curious and will prepare many to marvel at the goodness and grace of God in all circumstances.”
Matt Chandler, lead pastor of The Village Church and president of Acts 29 Church Planting Network

“Like you, I’m a sufferer. For the last three years I have watched my eight-year-old daughter suffer with cancer. The why and how of suffering have been of little value to my family and me. The truth of the Who and grace, so wonderfully presented in this book, has been our life and only hope.”
Britt Merrick, founder of the Reality family of churches, pastor for preaching and vision at Reality Santa Barbara, author of Godspeed and Big God

“Glorious Ruin is a gospel-driven tour de force. Tullian shows how no matter what you’re going through, God stands with you in your suffering and is everything you’ll ever need. I couldn’t recommend this book more highly!”
Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church, Washington, DC, and New York Times best-selling author of The Circle Maker

About the Author
Tullian Tchividjian is the pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, a visiting professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, and grandson of Billy and Ruth Graham. He is a bestselling author, a contributing editor to Leadership Journal, and a popular conference speaker. Tullian and his family reside in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Pastor Tchividjian is one of our favorite authors on the subject of grace. You will love this book.

EXW Staff

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