A respected and renowned composer, musician, teacher and friend, Don Wyrtzen has written a most inspiring 365 day meditation that is a must for every worship leader and church musician. We could not do justice to the review of this book better than one of the most well-known Pastors in the country. We will let him share with you his opinion of this inspirational work.
A Musician Looks at the Psalms is like “a modern-day psalter, written by one who has grappled with the hard realities of life in the workplace, at home, and in the secret sanctuary of his own heart. Like the psalmists, he does not offer pat answers to complex problems. Rather, he strips away the superficialities he encounters in daily living and probes all one hundred and fifty psalms for the light they shed on his spiritual pilgrimage.” Foreword by Charles Swindoll.
Staff writer for ExperiencingWorship.com.