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Year: 2020

Our Worship Sound

A great resource for the worship keyboardist. Lots of tutorials on how to play as well as how to use Mainstage in worship. We love their YouTube channel that is filled with some great tips and helps on how to make the most out of your keyboards in worship. Visit their channel below to help…

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Somos Adoradores

Lucas 6:44-45 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) 44 Al árbol se le identifica por su fruto. Los higos no se recogen de los espinos, y las uvas no se cosechan de las zarzas. 45 Una persona buena produce cosas buenas del Tesoro de su buen corazón, y una persona mala produce cosas malas del tesoro de su mal corazón….

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Somos Adoradores

Lucas 6:44-45 Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) 44 Al árbol se le identifica por su fruto. Los higos no se recogen de los espinos, y las uvas no se cosechan de las zarzas. 45 Una persona buena produce cosas buenas del Tesoro de su buen corazón, y una persona mala produce cosas malas del tesoro de su mal corazón….

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Pressure Moments vs. The Big Picture

If you’ve been in tech for any amount of time, you know that when it’s “show-time” things get serious. We make the service or event happen and that means that we need to stay on task and focused. At my previous church every week we had a “Programming Meeting” in which we’d recap the weekend,…

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This captivating book brings together devotional insight, scientific thought, and magnificent images of the universe. The psalmist sang that the “heavens declare the glory of God” (19:1). Throughout these stunning pages, Louie Giglio and Matt Redman join in that very same song, noting just how powerfully the wonders of the cosmos can speak to us…

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Building Leaders

One of my passions is raising up young leaders, helping them to find not only their vocational gifts but also their God-given ministry gifts. I have had the honor to help raise up many young leaders in and out of the tech realm. Many of these leaders have gone on to great things and will…

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Have you ever wanted to incorporate high quality video in your church but couldn’t because of the cost of cameras, editing equipment and software (not to mention the many man-hours required to shoot and produce it)? Have you searched for illustration videos to help in sermons and youth ministries only to come up short? Does…

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Corporate worship is a crucial defining activity for the Body of Christ. God’s people come together to join their hearts and voices in praise to God for His greatness and in thanks for His goodness. Many Christian activities can be done alone or in small groups; but corporate worship is by its very nature something…

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Jonah’s Christmas

Jonah is not about a prophet running from God, a city with 120,000 people or a big fish with acid reflux syndrome. This small book is a juxtaposition of behaviors with an ironic twist, of the behavior of God’s people against the behavior of those who don’t know God. Jonah is a condemnation of the…

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The Choir As Worship Leader

Make no mistake about it: the most important musical group in the church is the congregation. Worship is for all of God’s people; the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of all believers calls for the saints to lift up their voices (whether musically gifted or not) in a unified chorus of praise and adoration…

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