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You Are Loved

Sometimes we need to be reminded that God really loves us. The Bible tells us that we are “loved with an everlasting love…” (Jeremiah 31:3) There are times we face moments when we are alone and feeling like an outsider. Being a worship leader is a position of leadership and people may at times treat you a little different. They may not know what to say. It may appear that you might be unapproachable when that is not the case. When in preparation for going to the platform you may be in deep concentration or you may be praying and it is vital not to have many distractions before service. Some may take it as being anti-social or unfriendly.

When those times come and you may feel dismayed, remember that God loves you and will never leave you alone. He always wants to talk with you and spend time with you. It is not ever an inconvenience for you to come to Him for anything at all.
Allow God to pour out to you His love. It is like a well spring of refreshment.

Spend some time playing worship music and losing yourself in His presence. He longs to bathe you in His spirit. I thought I knew what it meant to be in His face and sense the love of God, however, I had an encounter with Daddy that just knocked me off my feet -literally. I was waiting for the youth of my church to show up for Morning Prayer while we were away at our retreat. They were running late and I turned on some worship music to “pass the time” so I thought. God came in that place and I found myself on the floor in the purest time of worship that I didn’t notice them in the building. I was so engulfed by my Father and his love for me that nothing else mattered. I was feeling God strengthening me for the day that was ahead of me. It was such a time of one on one with Him that I was overcome with the knowledge of His love for me.

As you embark on this New Year, steal away and spend some extended time in His presence. Let Him impart to you a renewal, a refreshing a rejuvenating spirit within your heart for the ministry before you. He so longs to spend time with you and shower you with His glory and majesty. Take the time to spend with Him and be ready to complete the task set before you.

Darlene Thorne

Minister Darlene Thorne has been in the music ministry for over 20 years. Her fourfold purpose of her ministry along with her husband is to... Lead God's people into a life transforming worship experience; Create an atmosphere where the spirit of God can have free reign in the lives of His people; Wage spiritual warfare on the enemy; and most importantly, to Glorify God. Darlene's heart cry is to impact the lives of believers so that they desire to enter into God's presence and experience the power of praise and the awesome wonder of worship. She and her husbands' teaching ministry have taken them across the country where they have ministered in many churches. The Thorns now call North Carolina home. Darlene is a graduate of DePaul University in Chicago, IL with a degree in Communications. She has been married for 20 years to her husband Kevin and they together are raising their two world changer children Kevin and Kennedy Elayne.

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