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Year: 2018

Dying for Their Faith

People are dying today for their faith. What are you doing? Is it hard to worship this day knowing that fellow believers, although not like us, across the oceans are being massacred? Dying for their faith? My heart breaks! It is hard for me…for many reasons. We live in the U.S.A. No chance of that…

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Uninhibited Worship

Many of us are familiar with the story of David dancing naked in 2 Samuel. While this may seem like a problem for many of us in the context of corporate worship, we must understand the heart behind this. David even said that he would become even more undignified, the point being that his worship…

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The Powder Keg

So much of what we do as church techs revolves around communication between those we work with and us. Clarity and alignment of the overall vision is key. Unfortunately, techs, pastors, musicians, and even attendees are often on different pages when it comes to what the purpose of any given service or event actually is….

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Excellence in Church Music Ministry

Psalm 33:3 tells us to sing a new song to the Lord and to play skillfully. If we are not careful, we can abandon this calling; yes, it is indeed a calling, particularly for worship leaders. There is also a call many places in scripture to make a joyful noise unto the Lord with no…

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The Fourth Element Part Four

At most churches each musician brings their instrument of choice and the sound person is expected to mix and equalize all and any instruments into a glorious blend of celestial music. It is a true fact that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. In a later article I will address…

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Telling the Prodigal Story

In Imagine That, I made the argument that the world is full of redemption stories, and that we are, by nature, drawn to redemption stories. From “Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer” to “Finding Nemo,” from Homer’s Odyssey to Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy,” we are moved by stories of redemption. The Bible too is full…

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Introducing New Music

It is difficult to introduce new music to a church no matter what setting you are in. This is likely why many worship leaders try to avoid it altogether and resort to using only familiar music. New music is a crucial aspect to a thriving worship ministry though, and we must not neglect to introduce…

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Making Your Church Website Mobile Friendly

It’s hard to go anywhere (including church) where people are not pulling out their phones for more than calls. We’re clearly a mobile culture with habits now firmly entrenched in anytime, anywhere access. Churches must, at a minimum, make a mobile version of their websites for these small screens. For those pastors wanting some stats…

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The Fourth Element Part Three

This is an area that plagues most churches because little attention is given to it while the building is being built. Not all, but many of the architects that I have worked with over the years do not really understand acoustics in relation to the literal structure of the room. Many only seem to care…

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Literally. Or Not.

met•a•phor ‘met-uh-for, noun, a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. I was approached by a concerned visitor to our church after a worship service once. She was asking for clarification on something regarding the message that morning, and…

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