Breaking News

Year: 2018

The Reservoir of Worship

“Happy are they who dwell in thy house; continually do they praise Thee. Selah. Happy is the man who has strength in thee, in their heart the pilgrim-ways. Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well; and the pools are filled with water.” Psalm 84:4-6 (ABSP, PBV) The other day as…

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Leaders – part 2

Last week I wrote that a leader’s most important job is choosing great team members. It’s the sine qua non of leadership. This week let’s think about how to choose great team members. 1. A leader should be involved in compiling her team. A leader should have the authority and responsibility to choose her team…

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10 Pillars

So much of worship ministry training these days is philosophical or theoretical but as a practitioner I tend to gravitate towards the practical applications. What I’ve found through both success and failure is if we make sure the foundational principles are in place we avoid the shallowness and structural weaknesses of many typical worship ministries….

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Changing to Win

As my church heads into a season of change (an auditorium remodel, a name change, and a new website) I am brought back to the Bible’s views on changing the method but not the message. Change can be hard, but the rewards can be worth the discomfort. 
1 Corinthians 9:19-23; “19 For since I am…

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New Radiate Music artist and Michigan-based Inspiration Worship, featuring songwriter, vocalist and cancer survivor Linda Doane, globally releases its full-length debut Powerful Aug. 31 from Radiate Music. The new, 12-song album that carries Linda’s mission to share the gospel and God’s power in her life, will be available at iTunes, Apple Music,, Spotify and…

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Worship Vision

As I drove home from church the other night the question hit me, “what is my vision for my worship ministry?” As I pondered I realized my vision was too nebulous and incoherent to write down even though I previously thought I was clear and concise. I am writing this article because I assume that…

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A “Deep and Wide” Tech Ministry

I came across a blog post recently by Charles Stone in which he summed up five questions that should be asked a your next staff meeting based on Andy Stanley’s book “Deep and Wide” . This prompted me to think about what questions we should be asking about the structure and focus of our tech…

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Enjoy the Benefits of Hospitality

In one of his letters, George Washington wrote that he and Martha had not had dinner at home alone for twenty years. Every night for twenty years—7,300 days in a row—they had guests and visiting dignitaries to entertain. (from: A. J. Jacobs, My Life as an Experiment, page 15) Granted, this anecdote is rather extreme….

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A Biblical Model of Worship

Worship is a sacred dialogue. It is humankind’s response to a holy God. He alone is the initiator, and man is the responder. Worship in its most basic sense is glorifying God. This certainly implies that all of life is worship. Paul says as much in Romans 12 when he tells us to present our…

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TripleWide Media

We are fueling the multi-screen movement The goal of TripleWide Media is to provide creative, quality and effective content for triple wide video walls, double wide videos walls, wide format edge blended screens, environmental projection, video stages and many other unique multi-screen applications. We hope to be your favorite resource for multi-screen by providing you…

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