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Books on Church Administration

Hey Fletch … I’m teaching a course on church administration and am looking for a good, current textbook. Any suggestions? Most I’ve come across are at least 5 years old. Thank you!

DRF—If you need help on compensation, my book, Smart Money for Church Salaries, will be released in August. To learn more, see the page about the workshops. The style is a case study, so it is readable and gives insights into how churches work through real-life issues.

Here are two other books that may help:

Rich Birch has written, Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth at Your Church. Rich spoke at the 2018 XP-Seminar, was greatly appreciated and has great thoughts for today’s church. Amazon has this to say:

Are you ready to see your church impact more people than you have ever before? Are you tired of church
leadership books that are long on theory but short on practical help? Have you wanted to reach more people in
your community but you weren’t sure where to start? Are you worried that your church isn’t reaching its full
potential? “Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth at Your Church” is full of helpful
insights to help your church reach more people starting today!

Bestselling author, Rich Birch, has pulled together his own hard-fought experience leading within one of the fastest growing churches in the country as well as over 200 interviews with church leaders from prevailing churches.

While I know Rich, I don’t know the author of the new book, Thomas Tumblin. His book, AdMinistry: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Administration, may be of interest to you. Amazon says:

“AdMinistry: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Administration”
Shepherding the church requires up-to-date knowledge of budgets, insurance, financial management, personnel
organization, audits, and legal liability. These responsibilities are complex and ever-changing. While as pastor,
you are called to be a faithful steward of the church’s resources and an effective planner of its ministries, you
need facts and skills to get your job done. This book will help you organize and weave your way through the
often complex business of the church.

Thomas F. Tumblin is Professor of Leadership, and Associate Provost for Global Initiatives and Academic Affairs
at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. His role includes oversight of the strategic goals for church
planting and global partnerships. He teaches in the seminary’s Master of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry and MA in
Leadership degrees. He is a former executive pastor at Ginghamsburg UMC near Dayton and an elder and
former district superintendent in the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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