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Worship Through Dance

When I think of dancing, the first thing that comes to mind is two people on a dance floor in a club moving to music. For most of us, dance is something that is done between two people. We see it all around us. In movies, television shows, and even shows that feature dancing to the latest hits. Dance has been and will always be apart of our culture and every culture in the world.

For the last decade or more, dance in the church has become a recognized and appreciated form of worship expression for those with the gift of dance. I have seen many instances where dance to music has been used in worship. Some were effective and others no so effective.

This past fall my church had the privilege of having Dr. Pam Rutherford come to share her gifts of dance in our worship services. It just so happened that the Sunday she was with us was my first Sunday here. I wasn’t involved in bringing her here and had no idea what to expect. In short, it was one of the moving, meaningful, awesome services I have been a part of.

It’s important to note that our church has only experienced dance one other time with not so great a response. This experience however was the top. It has spurred us to seek her leadership to train others within our church with the gift of dance to lead our people in worship through dance.

This article has become longer than I anticipated. If there was ever a ministry that we see as truly worthy to share with you it would be this one.
For more information on Dr. Rutherford, check her website here –

Bio – PAMELA RUTHERFORD is an ordained minister. She received a Master of Fine Arts degree in dance from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX and a Doctor of Religious Dance degree from FICU in Merced, California. Pamela has danced on Broadway in New York City and performed in national and regional touring productions. Because she has given her life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, she now ministers in dance under the leading and anointing of the Holy Spriit. Dr. Rutherford has ministered throughout the United Sates and abroad in 14 countries. She is a frequent guest minister at churches, seminars and conferences. She is called to minister to worship teams as well as in the area of women’s concerns. The Lord has enabled her to help start, strengthen and edify dance companies in local churches. Pamela serves as the National Co-Coordinator for Christian Dance Fellowship USA. Pamela serves as a mentor to many. She is the Founder and Director of Set Free Evangelistic Ministries.

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