Colossians 3: 1, 2 “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above,where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
I like to think of my worship as a Christmas present that I’ve spent days trying to decide what it is, and when Christmas morning finally arrives I’m so eager to open it that I can hardly contain my excitement. Do I begin with the ribbon, carefully untying the ends, and then proceed to slowly prying the tape from the paper? Or should I just start ripping and get to the inside more quickly? Sometimes I can hardly wait to spend my time in worship with my Father, I skip the formalities and just enjoy the closeness. At other times, I take my time and slowly savor each moment and come slowly in His presence, knowing that I will be blessed. Whichever way I choose, I just want Him to know how much I adore Him, that life would be completely meaningless and wasted without the salvation that I could never have earned. Such a gift defies any comprehension, it is beyond the realm of human reasoning.
Terri Pettyjohn is a regular contributor to ExperiencingWorship.com Her devotionals and Women in Worship articles are a favorite of many of our users as she seeks to touch the hearts of others through her writing. Terri currently lives in Farmington, NM where she is pursuing a career in free-lance writing. She is an attender of Pinon Hills Community Church and volunteers on a regular basis in the Worship Arts Ministry. When she is not busy there she is investing in the lives of her grandchildren and others.