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Give It Up

Hebrews 13:15 “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name.”

There are lots of things in life that we sacrifice everyday. We sacrifice time with our families to pursue our jobs or hobbies. We sacrifice our money to provide ourselves with more things. We sacrifice for our children to have a better way of life. Of all the things that we choose to sacrifice, we need to foremost give God our sacrifice of praise. Which would you treasure more, an expensive gift given from someone’s abundance or a small gift given from a friend’s heart? To sacrifice means to “give up”, so when we give God our praise we are offering a part of ourselves to Him. Usually when we have sacrificed for something we have a tangible benefit, but when we sacrifice our praise we reap the rewards of the intangible. Can a price tag be put upon your relationship with the Living God? How much sweeter life becomes with the closeness of His presence in our lives.

Terri Pettyjohn

Terri Pettyjohn is a regular contributor to Her devotionals and Women in Worship articles are a favorite of many of our users as she seeks to touch the hearts of others through her writing. Terri currently lives in Farmington, NM where she is pursuing a career in free-lance writing. She is an attender of Pinon Hills Community Church and volunteers on a regular basis in the Worship Arts Ministry. When she is not busy there she is investing in the lives of her grandchildren and others.

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