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A Boy Named Biff

Director’s Notes:
Telling others about Christ is the Great Commission. We all know that but sometimes we need to be reminded that He has wired us all up a little different when it comes to sharing our faith. This drama shows that depending on who we are, there is a way that we can effectively tell others about Christ.

Oh, sorry about the pun at the end. I couldn’t help myself. 🙂

Dave: A dad
Amanda: Dave’s daughter

2 chairs
Banner (The Gold Dogs) or use this graphic by clicking HERE. (or right-click on the link and select “Save Target As…”

School Gym

(Lights up. Amanda and dad are walking in to a gym and sit down

Amanda: Thanks for driving me to practice, Dad.

Dad: No problem Honey. Sorry we got here so early. I know how bored you get sitting with me.

Amanda: Dad! I love hanging out with you!

Dad: I know. I’m just teasing you, honey.

Amanda: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.

Dad: Uh oh. I thought your mother already had that talk with you when you were 10!

Amanda: Not THAT, Dad! It’s about Biff.

Dad: Who’s Biff?

Amanda: Dad! He’s just he boy I’ve been dating for 6 months now.

Dad: Oh yeah, that Biff. It’s just that 
 what kind of name is Biff? It sounds like a fabric softener. Why can’t he have a name like Butch or Spike?

Amanda: So, you want me to date a guy named Spike?

Dad: Er, Biff’s a good name. I like Biff.

Amanda: I thought you’d see it my way.

Dad: So, what’s the problem? I’ll solve it for you. After all, I have a Masters in Psychology.

Amanda: Yes, I know. You’ve told me a million times. It’s actually more of a relational problem.

Dad: Ok, shoot.

Amanda: Well, like I said, we’ve been dating for 6 months and I’ve decided it’s time I shared something special with him.

Dad: What?!?! Honey, listen, you are too young and I want you to wait until your married and

Amanda: Dad. Dad! DAD! It’s not THAT! I mean my faith.

Dad: Oh, heh. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Amanda: So, I’m not sure how I go about doing it.

Dad: Well, have you thought about the direct approach and just go up to him and say “Hiya, Biff. Jesus died for you and loves you and if you continue to reject Him, you are going to go to Hell?” Okay, maybe not THAT direct.

Amanda: Yeah, well, that’s just not me.

Dad: What about bringing up the subject and ask him about his opinions and then reason with him intellectually, you know, show the evidence behind your faith.

Amanda: Dad, it’s me, Amanda. Remember? Jason is the brainiac in the family, not me.

Dad: Oh, yeah, right. Well, why don’t you try this? Do nice things for him.

Amanda: What?

Dad: Do nice things for him. Serve him. Let him see that you are different. And when he asks why, tell him – maybe share your testimony.

Amanda: Hey, that’s a good idea. I can do that. Thanks Dad.

Dad: No problem, honey. Anything else I can do for you?

Amanda: Not unless you can help our cheerleading squad come up with some new kicks.

Dad: Oh, Ok. How about this one (Does a kick and yells Go Golden Dogs!)

Amanda: Actually, that’s pretty cool. We’ll have to try that. I gotta go. Cya Dad and thanks!

Dad: Bye honey. (starts to walk off and stops and says to himself) Heh. I guess you can teach a gold dog new kicks


© 2004 Dave Marsh

Dave Marsh

Hello and welcome to Stage Right, the online drama ministry of EXW. My name is Dave Marsh and there are a few things you should probably know about me. First, I'm not a ‘theatre guy.' I've never quoted Shakespeare (at least seriously), and I've never played Daddy Warbucks in Annie. Second, I received my ‘training' in writing, directing, and acting at a church called Willow Creek (in Illinois.) Third, I'm an online games producer by trade but my real passion is found in telling others about Christ through contemporary church drama. I have a few opinions about drama in the church as well. I think that contemporary drama is both underutilized and misunderstood. I believe it is something like 5-10 years behind contemporary worship. When many churches think about using drama, it usually involves the Passion Play or a children's Christmas musical. Many people don't have the opportunity to experience what are called ‘slice of life' dramas. These dramas may last only 3-4 minutes long but create a powerful (and many times humorous) illustration on any given Sunday. I also believe that any church, no matter what size, can use drama effectively, giving God glory, and inspire/convict normal folks like you and I to walk closer to God So, what's Stage Right all about? It's about offering you the advice and resources you need to help you create and act in contemporary Christian dramas. I'm no expert, but I've seen lives changed as I continue to strive for excellence in this area, constantly praying that God would use me to tell others about how to live for Him. Over the coming weeks and months, I hope to provide you with articles about creating a drama philosophy, working with your pastor, developing a team, writing short effective scripts, directing actors, and acting on stage. I also look forward to hearing from you, taking suggestions on topics that you feel should be covered Over the last 3 years, I've written over 45 dramas that are easy to memorize, require few actors, and are highly humorous and relevant. These dramas are available to you for free and will be added to this site over the course of the next few months. You can currently download all of these dramas from my personal site ( and can contact me personally if you wish (dave). I look forward to serving you here at EXW and want to thank Steve for asking me to jump on board. In His hands Dave Marsh

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