Well, this drama could be called “The Dilemma 3.” I enjoy writing monologues where we get inside someone’s head as he/she is sitting in church. Pre-recorded voice over works well here (again) until the Pastor comes in and starts talking with him.
I’ve always loved the verses from Ephesians 6 that talk about the armor of God. Pastor Ray did a great job of explaining to us what each piece means to the believer.
Of course, the guy in this drama is hilariously clueless…
Dave: A guy in church
Pre-recorded V.O. tape
A Sunday morning service(LIGHTS UP CENTER STAGE where Dave is sitting reading his program.)
Dave: Okay, looks like Ray is wrapping up Ephesians. That marriage thing was pretty good. I especially liked that part about my wife serving me. I seem to recall something about my responsibility there hmmmm nope, can’t remember a thing. Oh well. Probably was nothing
Dave: That employee/employer thing was good as well. I mean, I was really convicted. In fact, if I don’t recall, I only took a two hour lunch today. Yep, honoring God at work. That’s me. Mr. Honor God at work guy. That’s what they call me.
Dave: So what’s today about? Hmmm. Spiritual battles. Well, that sounds pretty cool! Maybe I’ll take a sneak peek at the verses before Ray starts talking about them. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, what else am I going to do during tithes and offerings or is that after the message? What’s with that basket anyway? Never can quite figure that out…
Dave: Anyway, let’s see. Ephesians 6. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Yeah baby! I like this stuff. Let’s put on that armor! That sounds pretty cool! Okay, what kind of armor? Do they give it out here or do I have to go someplace special to get it? I wonder if they give out donuts with it.mmmm. donuts
Dave: Anyway, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Yep, that’s right! It’s against rulers and authorities and powers and forces of evil! Exactly!! (stops and looks confused) So, like what powers and forces are we talking about here? It sounds kind of like a Darth Vader thing “Luke, give in to the powers of the dark side!” And what’s with that ‘evil in the heavenly realms’ bit? Sounds wacky Oh well.
Dave: (reads some more) “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”
Dave: The belt of truth! Now that sounds cool! With that kind of belt I could make everyone tell the truth I bet! Yeah, like Wonder woman! She’s got that magic lasso and ties guys up and makes them tell what they did wrong I could use this on my kids! COOOOL! What else? Breastplate of Righteousness. Wow! The Breastplate of Righteousness. (long pause) I have no idea what that is but it sounds cool and I want one. What else? My feet will be fitted with readiness. (clueless) Ooookay, yeah, my feet need to be fitted with readiness. In fact, just the other day I think my wife said something about how I needed to have my feet fitted with this, um, readiness. Yeah. (long pause) Readiness.. right. What else is there?
Dave: “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Well! Now we’re talking! I’m gonna get me a shield of faith! I’m not sure what the faith part is about but I do know that it’s going to stop FLAMING ARROWS?!? FROM THE EVIL ONE?!?! Oh, that’s just great! They never told me when I signed up for this Christianity thing that the Devil is going to be trying to pick me off with projectiles of fiery death! I mean, I’ve seen those movies! No matter how big the guys shield is, somebody always hits him with an arrow. And it always ends up in his leg and the guy starts pulling it out on his own. But this is not ordinary arrow! It’s a flaming one! (panicking) How am I going to pull a flaming arrow out of my leg. I’m doooomed (Pastor Ray comes walking up to the podium at this point)
Ray: Hey Dave. What’s up?
Dave: Oh, um, nothing, Pastor. Just reading from the good book here. Ephesians 6 in fact!
Ray: Great! Ready to put on the armor of God?
Dave: Who me? Oh, yeah. Bring it on that armor! Heh heh, yep. (looks around uncomfortably) Okay, gotta go (walks out and Pastor starts his message
(c) 2000 Dave Marsh
Hello and welcome to Stage Right, the online drama ministry of EXW. My name is Dave Marsh and there are a few things you should probably know about me. First, I’m not a ‘theatre guy.’ I’ve never quoted Shakespeare (at least seriously), and I’ve never played Daddy Warbucks in Annie. Second, I received my ‘training’ in writing, directing, and acting at a church called Willow Creek (in Illinois.) Third, I’m an online games producer by trade but my real passion is found in telling others about Christ through contemporary church drama.
I have a few opinions about drama in the church as well. I think that contemporary drama is both underutilized and misunderstood. I believe it is something like 5-10 years behind contemporary worship. When many churches think about using drama, it usually involves the Passion Play or a children’s Christmas musical. Many people don’t have the opportunity to experience what are called ‘slice of life’ dramas. These dramas may last only 3-4 minutes long but create a powerful (and many times humorous) illustration on any given Sunday. I also believe that any church, no matter what size, can use drama effectively, giving God glory, and inspire/convict normal folks like you and I to walk closer to God
So, what’s Stage Right all about? It’s about offering you the advice and resources you need to help you create and act in contemporary Christian dramas. I’m no expert, but I’ve seen lives changed as I continue to strive for excellence in this area, constantly praying that God would use me to tell others about how to live for Him. Over the coming weeks and months, I hope to provide you with articles about creating a drama philosophy, working with your pastor, developing a team, writing short effective scripts, directing actors, and acting on stage. I also look forward to hearing from you, taking suggestions on topics that you feel should be covered
Over the last 3 years, I’ve written over 45 dramas that are easy to memorize, require few actors, and are highly humorous and relevant. These dramas are available to you for free and will be added to this site over the course of the next few months. You can currently download all of these dramas from my personal site (www.dave-marsh.com) and can contact me personally if you wish (dave).
I look forward to serving you here at EXW and want to thank Steve for asking me to jump on board.
In His hands
Dave Marsh