Ezekiel 18:31-32 “Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” Do you wonder why true repentance was so important to…
Psalm 63:1 “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” If you’ve ever been in the country on a starry night and felt the majesty of the universe you’ve probably experienced feeling…
Director’s Notes: Wow. A pretty normal drama. We are always too busy to listen – both to God and others. God’s Word says that we need to be slow to listen. It’s only then that we discover true fellowship. Cast: Emily: A mom at home, watching soaps and ignoring her daughter. April: Emily’s daughter Props:…
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Do you remember when your Mother called you by your full name, you knew she meant business. Whatever had been so important, suddenly rose…
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