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The Bigger They Are

Director’s Notes:
Pastor Ray was preaching from the book of Nehemiah and talking about how Nehemiah saw the seemingly impossible task ahead of him (rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem) but knew that with God’s help, it could be done. So many times, we look at our own obstacles (whether it be some huge circumstance or a reoccuring sin we are unable to shake) from every perspective but God’s. He may very well bring people our way who can help us but until we go to Him first, it’s fruitless…

April: A woman with an obstacle she can’t overcome.
Jeff: A friend with the answer

A tape measure
Some papers in a folder
A verse on the screen (at the end)


(April is using a tape measure on some large object between her and the audience. She is measuring the width and then the height and then the width again. She looks discouraged…)

Jeff: (Jeff enters, and looks up at the huge invisible object) Wow. That’s big.

April: Tell me about it.

Jeff: I mean, that must be something like…

April: 53 feet 8 inches.

Jeff: And the width must be…

April: 37 feet 3 ½ inches.

Jeff: Wow. You got the thing measured huh?

April: Oh yeah. I mean, how am I going to get by it if I don’t know how big it is?

Jeff: You mean you can’t get by it?

April: Nope. I’ve tried everything. I can’t get around it, through it, over it… I’ve even tried to dig under it. Nothing.

Jeff: Hmmm. Well, I know just the person who can help you with this. He’s…

April: Oh please. Do you know how many “experts” I’ve had look at this? (does the quote unquote thing with her fingers)

Jeff: But…

April: (She pulls out her folder) Let’s see… where do I begin? (pulls a piece of paper out)

April: This is from my doctor. She says all I need to do is take these pills, then in 2 – 4 weeks, it will go away (points at the invisible thing). Yeah right. (gives Jeff the paper – kinda slapping it into his chest)

Jeff: But…

April: This is from my councilor. He says that all I need to do is talk it out, figure out what in the past brought it here, and pay him 80 bucks an hour. Yeah right. (gives Jeff the paper – in the same fashion)

Jeff: But…

April: This is from my best friend. She says that all I need to do is work harder at getting around it – show perseverance and it will eventually go away. Yeah right. (gives Jeff the paper – in the same fashion)

Jeff: But…

April: This is from my mother. She says leave it there. It’s not that bad. She loves me. Everything will be fine. Yeah right. (gives Jeff the paper – in the same fashion)

Jeff: But…

April: And this one is from my husband. His wise council was that he’s tired of hearing about it, to just quit complaining and get over it already. (gives Jeff the paper – in the same fashion)

Jeff: But…

April: Look, I know you’re trying to help. But I’ve looked at this thing from every perspective- Frontways, sideways, forwards, backwards, you name it.

Jeff: Every perspective?

April: That’s right.

Jeff: What about from above?

April: Um…what?

Jeff: Have you looked at it from God’s perspective?

April: But…

Jeff: (starts walking off the stage with her) Let me explain it to you. You’ve looked at it from every perspective but God’s. Are you listening to me? You see, advice from others is only good if God has been involved…(and so forth)…(fades out as they completely walk off)

(This verse then comes up on the screen as they leave…

“… I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20

LIGHTS SLOWLY FADE as the scripture fades…


(c) 2002 Dave Marsh

Dave Marsh

Hello and welcome to Stage Right, the online drama ministry of EXW. My name is Dave Marsh and there are a few things you should probably know about me. First, I'm not a ‘theatre guy.' I've never quoted Shakespeare (at least seriously), and I've never played Daddy Warbucks in Annie. Second, I received my ‘training' in writing, directing, and acting at a church called Willow Creek (in Illinois.) Third, I'm an online games producer by trade but my real passion is found in telling others about Christ through contemporary church drama. I have a few opinions about drama in the church as well. I think that contemporary drama is both underutilized and misunderstood. I believe it is something like 5-10 years behind contemporary worship. When many churches think about using drama, it usually involves the Passion Play or a children's Christmas musical. Many people don't have the opportunity to experience what are called ‘slice of life' dramas. These dramas may last only 3-4 minutes long but create a powerful (and many times humorous) illustration on any given Sunday. I also believe that any church, no matter what size, can use drama effectively, giving God glory, and inspire/convict normal folks like you and I to walk closer to God So, what's Stage Right all about? It's about offering you the advice and resources you need to help you create and act in contemporary Christian dramas. I'm no expert, but I've seen lives changed as I continue to strive for excellence in this area, constantly praying that God would use me to tell others about how to live for Him. Over the coming weeks and months, I hope to provide you with articles about creating a drama philosophy, working with your pastor, developing a team, writing short effective scripts, directing actors, and acting on stage. I also look forward to hearing from you, taking suggestions on topics that you feel should be covered Over the last 3 years, I've written over 45 dramas that are easy to memorize, require few actors, and are highly humorous and relevant. These dramas are available to you for free and will be added to this site over the course of the next few months. You can currently download all of these dramas from my personal site ( and can contact me personally if you wish (dave). I look forward to serving you here at EXW and want to thank Steve for asking me to jump on board. In His hands Dave Marsh

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