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Year: 2009

Teaching Worship – ch. 4

You have heard the saying, “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” I believe this statement holds true to anybody that is in a leadership position. We know what to say and when to say it, but do we really live it? As a worship leader, I have to constantly ask…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 3

This section is not lengthy for one reason alone. If your senior pastor is not a visible worshiper, it will be much harder for you to lead worship and for your people to follow your lead. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it, but it seems that wherever I have served, how…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 2

Undoubtedly, this is the question that has frustrated worship leaders and pastors for the past several hundred years. Why do some people jump up and down in worship and some won’t even open their mouths to sing? What is the problem? These are supposed to be people who love the Lord. They are supposed to…

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Teaching Worship

If you are like me, you learned very little in college concerning teaching people to worship the Living God. We learned a lot about music, theory, singing and playing our instruments. I once even had a class on how to play a recorder. but never a class on how to teach and lead people in…

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