Many of you have requested information about worship schools. Where can we get further education in the area of worship and ministry? Is there a place where courses in worship are offered for those who are in ministry full-time? The answer is YES!
We are pleased to recommend to you a school that offers a variety of degrees from Certificates to Doctorates. Pursue a degree in ministry or specifically worship. Christian Leadership University is an outstanding institution committed to helping you become the person God has called you to be.
I am boasting of CLU because I obtained my Master’s and Doctorate in Worship Ministries from their Seminary. Mark Virkler is a gifted author and teacher. The first course I completed was titled “Communion with God”. It has helped shape my ministry in worship and life. God is using this learning institution to raise up leaders in the church around the world.
Listed below is some information about CLU. Contact Dr. Mark Virkler for more info on how you can begin or continue your eduction in ministry and worship.
CLU’s motto is “Raising up Spirit-Anointed Leaders Who
Disciple Nations”. CLU is a university without walls, offering
external degrees: Associate’s, Bachelor’s Master’s and Doctoral degrees. CLU is affiliated with the “Apostolic Council For Educational Accountability”, set up by C. Peter Wagner.
Continue to next page to receive more information about CLU.
Dear Prospective Student,
Worship and Music Concentration
Applied Toward a Degree in Worship Ministry
The courses listed below may be taken as a certificate or applied as a major concentration toward an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree. Additional work is required when an undergraduate-level course is taken on the graduate level. Course substitutions and combining major concentrations are possible when working toward a degree. Discuss this option with the Dean. The key is to follow God’s passion within your heart. Students in the Master’s and Doctoral programs earn approximately 30 credits for each degree from specific courses, and the remaining 10 credits by doing practical ministry work and earning “practica” credits.
The following courses may be purchased individually or as a total package. If purchased as a pre-paid package, the cost is reduced by 20%. Two to five courses are sent at a time, as the student requests. Prices are subject to change without notice. Payment may be made by credit card.
REN103 Communion with God
3 credits ($308.89)
REN503 Communion with God (Graduate Level) 4 credits ($406.84)
This is a thoroughly practical course on discerning God’s voice. Biblical techniques of vision and journaling will be combined to help one discern and clarify the spontaneous thoughts that come from God. (Key verses: Habakkuk 2:1-4) The goal is that one commune (converse) with God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and that this communion flow both ways.
WOR101 Believer’s Worship I
3 credits ($348.91)
The priority of worship – Worship defined – How to become a worshiper – The new song – Our responsibility as a worshiper – Praise in the life of Jesus – The presence of God
WOR201 Theology of Worship
3 credits ($367.74)
Worship defined – Worship portrayed – Worship’s purpose – Worship’s history – Worship personified – Worship trends – Worship renewal
WOR202 Theology of Music
3 credits ($382.68)
The real meaning and purpose of music – The importance of music – The power of kingdom music – Music and the spirit world – The role of music in praise and worship – Music in spiritual warfare – Music and prophecy – Music and revival
WOR302 Believer’s Worship II
3 credits ($292.84)
Evangelism and worship – Taking worship to the streets – Public worship – Definitions of praise – Our call to worship – Prayer and worship – Music and worship – Christ and worship
WOR410 Leading Worship
3 credits ($499.90)
The worship service – The pastor and worship leader – The worship team – The act of leading worship – Preparing properly for a worship service – Effective worship rehearsals – Leading worship in a small group – Understanding the different Christian expressions of worship
WOR415 Worship Team I
3 credits ($458.89)
In this course, we will once more examine the spiritual power of music and the dynamics of a worship service. We will consider a wide variety of art forms which may be used in the leading and statement of worship, and how they can be integrated into the worship service. We will consider all of the people who have a place in guiding the congregation into worship as individuals and as a team, and how they can more perfectly blend into a spiritual unit. We will also examine our own leadership style and habits, allowing the Spirit of the Creator to breathe new life into our ministries.
PRO201 Releasing Spiritual Gifts
3 credits ($341.98)
This introductory class will teach the student about the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will go through lessons on how the Holy Spirit moves, exercising spiritual gifts, and more.
LEA206 Achieving Your Potential
2 credits ($303.96)
This course will help you become convinced of the awesome potential trapped within you and show you step-by-step how to release that potential. You will know that God has not only created you with a purpose but He has placed within you the ability to achieve it by His grace.
PRO301 Introduction to the Prophetic
3 credits ($340.98)
An introduction to the nature and purpose of prophetic revelation and its proper function in the Body of Christ. You will be inspired and challenged to be a prophetic person. Subjects include: the power and perils of the prophetic, being a prophetic people, the song of the Lord, seven expressions of the prophetic spirit, and others.
MIN211 Building Dynamic Teams
1 credit ($125.95)
’…they ordained them elders in every church…’ (Acts 14:23). Biblical precedent indicates that local churches were governed by a team of elders. God never let the rulership of the body rest on the shoulders of one man, knowing that each of us has weaknesses and limitations, and that no one man can completely represent full truth, wisdom and power as Jesus did. This course will help local church leadership function more effectively as a team, honoring the gifts of all. Prerequisites: LEA 103 (required); MIN 210 (recommended). This course will be most useful if you are currently a part of a leadership team.
LEA321 Visionary Leadership
3 credits ($256.95)
Jesus’ leadership approach with His ‘staff’ ran counter to most of the management styles and techniques employed today. In this course, you will explore the three categories of strengths behind Jesus’ leadership techniques: the strength of self-mastery, the strength of action, and the strength of relationships. You will learn a plan to heighten your awareness level in each category and to assist you in the process of mastering them all, which is necessary for you to become an empowered leader into the next millennium.
WOR301 Worshipping with Sign Language (optional)
3 credits ($341.85)
Instruction in the Sign English interpretation of more than fifty popular worship songs used in the Church today. This course is designed to deepen the worship experience of each participant by encouraging him to worship the Lord wholeheartedly, involving spirit, soul, and body. The symbolism of the signs assists in visualizing the concept being sung, and the result is more complete involvement in worship of our Lord and King.
WOR191 International Worship Leaders’ Practicum (optional)
2 credits
This is a seminar conducted by Dean LaMar Boschman and the International Worship Leaders’ Institute of Dallas, Texas. They may be contacted directly for information on conference schedules.
We are thrilled to be able to serve you by providing accredited, Spirit-anointed curricula that will lead you into a greater knowledge of God and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Our courses are biblical, practical, and spiritual. We are confident you will be blessed with the growth that takes place within your heart and soul.
The uniqueness of CLU is the Spirit-anointed, lamad-fashioned curriculum package that Christian Leadership University offers. The lamad learning experience begins by encouraging you to take courses that deal with the real life issues you are facing. It draws you into interaction with the Holy Spirit concerning these issues, and results in your life being transformed by His power.
The credit requirements for graduation stand at the following numbers: Associate’s degree – 60, Bachelor’s degree – 120, Master’s degree – 40, Doctoral degree – 40.
Christian Leadership University is accredited by the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC), overseen by Dr. Paul Richardson.
In addition, Christian Leadership University is certified by the Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability (ACEA). Dr. C. Peter Wagner, head of the Wagner Institute for Practical Ministry, formed this group as an alternative to traditional accreditation for the new apostolic churches that are emerging (
Both WWAC and ACEA provide evaluation and accountability without distorting the purpose and vision of Christian Leadership University. The World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions and the Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability are not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
An expanded statement on accreditation will be sent to you upon your request.
How much does a degree cost?
That depends on a number of variables. If you have no previous college experience and earn all of your credits with CLU, the cost would be approximately $8,500 for the 120-credit Bachelor’s degree. Master’s and doctoral degrees similarly earned cost approximately $2500 each.
The above pricing may be reduced by the student transferring credits from another school, and/or by bringing in credits through a Life Experience Portfolio (which is available from CLU for $14).
Classroom Settings
We offer an option for churches to establish church-centered Bible schools utilizing our curriculum package, and for home cell groups to use our courses or books if they desire. “How to Start a Bible School” can be downloaded from the “free books” section of
Where to Begin
You can begin by completing the online CLU New Student Application Form found at
You can then e-mail or call in an order for your first course, which we recommend be REN 103 Communion With God ($315 includes tuition, books, cassettes, and S&H within U.S.). This course teaches you how to hear God’s voice, see divine vision and journal (which we define as writing down what God is speaking to you). All other courses build upon this basic ability of the student to hear the voice of God, including a final paper in each course discussing what God is saying to you from the course, how He is asking you to change, and how you are changing. This course is also available on Master’s and Doctoral level as REN503, a 4-credit course costing $415.
A complete list of our courses and costs is available by sending an e-mail with the word “courses” in the subject line to our auto responder at
Financial Aid
Monthly Payment Plan: We can provide a payment plan for each course of $100 down and monthly payments of $100. If you need this option, you may simply request it when you place your first order. Most courses cost about $300 and are designed for completion in three months. Thus, with the monthly payment plan, the course is paid for by the time it is completed. (Final grades are not given until the course is paid in full.)
Financial Aid Scholarship: You may apply for a Financial Aid Scholarship by calling or e-mailing us with your total annual household income and the total number of family members being supported on this income. If you qualify, you will receive a financial aid scholarship that will reduce the tuition for a three-credit course from $225 to $100. Books are extra and are approximately $50 — $70 per course.
The above options are for those who need them. You may request them when you apply as a new student and begin your course work.
Note to Veterans: CLU is not set up to receive Veterans’ benefits. CLU will therefore offer you a Financial Aid Scholarship that deducts $125 from the price of each three-credit course you take. This will remain in effect as long as you continue as a CLU student. Please refer to this offer with your first order.
Course Options
Some courses offer the option of purchasing either cassettes or videos. For example, the course Communion With God usually comes with cassettes, but if you prefer videos instead, the cost is an extra $55. You can return the videos or cassettes for a 75% refund at the end of the course, if you desire. Or, perhaps your church would like to purchase them for a church library.
You will be assigned an instructor for each course, whom you may contact by regular or e-mail. You will send assignments to your instructor for grading as instructed in the syllabus you will receive with each course. Most of the assignments can be submitted by e-mail.
What about a companion student who takes courses with you?
You may have someone in your home, church or community who is interested in taking the course at the same time you are. If he wants to take the course for college credit, tuition costs are one-half the normal fees. In addition, you may be able to share some of the materials — further reducing the cost of the course.
If the other person does not want college credit, he could simply purchase approximately $30 worth of books, read them along with you and then you could discuss the material together. Of course, you could watch the videos or share the audiotapes together as well, making the course even more cost-effective. Also, your church can offer these courses as a church-centered Bible school that relates to us.
You may be asking, “If I want to take more than one course, where do I start?” There are several guidelines to consider in answering this question. First, we recommend you follow the passion and hunger of your heart. What does your heart want to learn? God has put that hunger there. That is the desire you must fulfill. If you describe it with us, we will let you know which courses will best fill and meet that hunger. We can do this together as you choose your new courses for each successive quarter. CLU is more than glad to assist you in this way.
A full-time student may take five courses per quarter. (This would involve about five hours of work each day.) At the same time, he can do one course (practica) of practical ministry work in his church or community and receive credit for that, also. At that rate he will be completing 18 credits per quarter or 72 credits per year. (Of course, if you do four quarters a year you are not giving yourself a summer break.) You may recall that the Bachelor degrees require 120 credits, so at this rate you would complete that degree in less than two years.
There is also the option of bringing in some credits from your life experiences. You may order a Life Experience Portfolio ($10 plus S&H) and complete that, documenting the hours you have spent in various jobs, ministries and conferences — and what you have learned from each — and we can evaluate this for college credit. More discussion of this is found in the CLU catalog, Section V (
Another way of earning extra credit is to teach the course to others after you have taken it. This will deepen the learning experience for you tremendously, and in addition, we will award you two extra credits (free) for each course you teach. Since all of our courses are practical, down-to-earth, biblical and spiritual, they are easily taught in home cell groups, Sunday school classes or in church-centered Bible schools.
An Overview of Courses for Those Earning a Four-Year Bachelor Degree
Following are recommended courses under each of five key areas that will equip you for strength in ministry. This suggested list could be altered as desired. The five key areas are:
1. Bible
2. Holy Spirit
3. Life Skills
4. Leadership Skills
5. Ministry Skills (in area of your choosing)
Bible (13 courses)
BIB 100 Understanding the Bible
BIB 101 Pentateuch
BIB 102 United Kingdom
BIB 103 Divided Kingdom
BIB 104 Poetry Books
IB 105 Major Prophets
BIB 106 Life of Christ
BIB 107 Acts and Epistles
BIB 108 Epistles and Revelation
THE 120 Foundational Experiences
THE 121 The Law and the Spirit
THE 310 The Bible Speaks to Contemporary Issues
BIB 390 Biblical Dissertation
Life in the Spirit (8 courses)
THE 101 The Basics of Christianity
REN 103 Communion with God
REN 204 Naturally Supernatural
COU 202 Counseled by God
REN 206 Increasing the Anointing
REN 208 War in the Spirit
WOR 101 Believer’s Worship I
REN 310 Wisdom through Dream Interpretation
Life Skills (5 courses)
BUS 102 Fulfill Your Financial Destiny
HEA 102 Take Charge of Your Health
COU 203 Cornerstones of Communication
COU 204 Enrich Your Marriage
COU 305 Parenting For Success
Leadership Skills (6 courses)
GOV 101 The Christian Heritage of America
EDU 102 Apprenticed to Leadership
LEA 103 Gifted to Succeed!
LEA 205 Creating Your Mission Statement
LEA 321 Visionary Leadership
LEA 201 Creative Problem Solving
Ministry Skills (8 courses)
This will be a selection of courses in the ministry area of your choosing
The first five suggested courses for a full-time CLU student working toward a bachelor’s degree are:
Pentateuch $272.94
The Basics of Christianity $255.00
Communion With God $308.00
Gifted to Succeed! $270.94
Course of your choosing $ ???
Note: Shipping is extra.
The above series of 40 courses will lead to a bachelor’s degree and cost approximately $11,000. However, it is recommended that a student select only 30 courses and merge these with 10 practica experiences, making the total cost $9250 (plus S&H). Bringing in credits through a Life Experience Portfolio can further reduce the cost of a bachelor’s degree. If pre-paid in full at the time of enrollment, the fee for 40 courses will be discounted to $8500, or $7400 for 30 courses and 10 practica. Five courses will be sent at a time.
Please call or e-mail with any questions or to order your first course(s). Contact Dr. Mark Virkler at 1-800-466-6961 (U.S. only) or 716-652-6990 or (
We look forward to working together with you!
Mark Virkler
President of Christian Leadership University
1-800-466-6961 or
Stephen M. Newman is the author of Experiencing Worship, A Study of Biblical Worship, and Founder & Editor of Steve currently serves as Pastor of Worship, First Presbyterian Church of Baton Rouge, LA. Steve has extensive experience in both traditional and contemporary worship styles and has been serving in music and worship capacities since 1982.