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Month: February 2009

Teaching Worship – ch. 11

Finally, there is hope for every church. No matter what the background or makeup of your church body, they can become a worshiping church. We are all on a spiritual journey, but we are all not at the same place in our Christian walk. We don’t pray the same, study the Bible the same, or…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 10

Recently I read a good book that was originally written in the 1980’s. It was titled “Worship – Rediscovering the Missing Jewel.” I thought the book might be a bit outdated because it was written back when the new worship movement was just beginning, but I picked up several jewels that I want to share…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 9

There are few things more frustrating than having people in a group who are not on the same page as the rest of the group. They feel that they know where the group should be going, and seem to be working against the goal of the leadership and group as a whole. In some cases…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 8

If you have been in the ministry for a while you know that the Arts Department has a tendency to draw people of all colors and expressions. We are a bit different because, for the most part, our people are on the creative side. We see things in a different light and approach things in…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 7

As a Christian I find it very difficult to get all my spiritual food on one Sunday morning service each week. If I relied on one forty-minute message a week to grow and be all that God would have me be, I would more than likely fall far short! There is no way a pastor…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 6

If you are in a church serving on staff or are a worship team member, then you will have no problem identifying the many different levels of participation in worship. You will have those who jump up and down, those who will sit down, and those that cross their arms and do nothing. Some will…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 5

Any good craftsman needs good tools to do his work. In order for him to create a quality project, he will need quality tools to do the best possible job. The same would apply to any field of work. Some of the best teachers I know were ones that could take ordinary lessons and make…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 4

You have heard the saying, “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” I believe this statement holds true to anybody that is in a leadership position. We know what to say and when to say it, but do we really live it? As a worship leader, I have to constantly ask…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 3

This section is not lengthy for one reason alone. If your senior pastor is not a visible worshiper, it will be much harder for you to lead worship and for your people to follow your lead. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it, but it seems that wherever I have served, how…

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Teaching Worship – ch. 2

Undoubtedly, this is the question that has frustrated worship leaders and pastors for the past several hundred years. Why do some people jump up and down in worship and some won’t even open their mouths to sing? What is the problem? These are supposed to be people who love the Lord. They are supposed to…

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